LeClerc Artisat 36" 4 shaft loom with open end bench

  • Listing id
  • Categories
  • Asking price

    Asking $1,100.00 CAD per item

  • Quantity

    1 item (Used)

  • Tax
    Not applicable
  • Shipping & Handling

    Not applicable

  • Payment Terms

    at pickup

    Seller accepts Cash, PayPal

  • Posted
    1 month ago
Member since September 19, 2024
Please only contact the seller if you are interested in buying or bartering for this item. Spam and fraud will not be tolerated.
and accessories:

steel reeds, 8, 10, 12 dents/inch
wire heddles
reed & heddle hook

pick-up in Port Alberni only. We will not ship