Oil Painting "Saint Tropez" 1975 - framed
Listing idrycawgac
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Asking $95.00 USD per item
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Posted3 weeks ago
Kennett Square, PA
Member since June 26, 2008
(484) 802-8784
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This original oil painting "Saint Tropez" from 1975 is framed (oil on panel - dimension 39 x 21") and was accomplished during numerous trips to France while visiting the Provence and French Riviera in the 1970's
The artist, Ilse Feldberg , has been a well known artist and painter in Southern Germany for over 30 years.
Her most active and creative years were from the early sixties to the early nineties with hundreds of paintings and drawings accomplished and sold.
Sadly, my mother, Ilse Feldberg passed away on August 1, 2009 at age of 85. Her work will live on!
The artist, Ilse Feldberg , has been a well known artist and painter in Southern Germany for over 30 years.
Her most active and creative years were from the early sixties to the early nineties with hundreds of paintings and drawings accomplished and sold.
Sadly, my mother, Ilse Feldberg passed away on August 1, 2009 at age of 85. Her work will live on!