Weavers Magazines

  • Listing id
  • Categories
  • Asking price

    Asking $1.00 CAD per item

  • Quantity

    37 items (Used)

  • Tax
    Not applicable
  • Shipping & Handling

    Shipping to Canada only

    At personal pickup or before shipping

  • Payment Terms

    upon pickup

    Seller accepts Cash, PayPal

  • Posted
    1 month ago
Member since September 19, 2024
Please only contact the seller if you are interested in buying or bartering for this item. Spam and fraud will not be tolerated.
a collection of magazines from the 80s and 90s
Shuttle Spindle Dyepot
The Prairie Wool Companion

we do not wish to ship anything, prefer to have you pick up the magazines yourself. If you do wish to have them shipped, the cost will be on top and be borne by the buyer.