AKC Standard Size Shih Tzu Puppies

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  • Categories
  • Asking price

    Asking $1,400.00 USD per item

  • Quantity

    4 items

  • Tax
    Not applicable
  • Shipping & Handling

    Shipping to the United States only

  • Payment Terms

    Seller accepts Cash, Wire / Bank transfer

  • Posted
    4 days ago
Member since January 13, 2023
Please only contact the seller if you are interested in buying or bartering for this item. Spam and fraud will not be tolerated.
Gods Creations

God Places OUR Puppies Where They Are Meant To Be...

All Of Our Puppies Go To Be ESA's Emotional Support Companion

Calls Only 520-222-5842 No Texts

Puppies AKC Parents Are
Short in Legs -Muzzle -Body With Large Round Beautiful Eyes

Mother Lavender 10 lbs Her Father Was Solid Black

Lemmy White 5-6 lbs

Small Standard Shih Tzus Weights Ranging 7-10 lbs

Dob 09/20/24 Pick Up Date Will Be November 15

30 Day Health Ins. Puppy Packet Food Blanket Toy
Vaccinations dworming

Pet Prices Full AKC Extra

$ 1400 For Males

Male Aladdin Lavender Photos do No Justice He is BLUE

Male Copper Chocolate

$1500 For Females

Female Tiana White with Chocolate Markings

Female Mirabel Chocolate

Available AKC Imperial Shih Tzu Puppies
Dob 08/04 And 09/25

We Have Family in California /Born In New Mexico / Texas , Live In Arizona

Az Local Pick UP NO Airports Wittmann Az 85361 Please Map It..

Az Local Pick UP NO Airports Wittmann Az 85361 Please Map It..