Speakers - AIWA SX NV70 120 Watt *Nice*

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  • Asking price

    Asking $70.00 USD per item

  • Quantity

    1 item (Used)

  • Tax
    Not applicable
  • Shipping & Handling

    pick up only - Necedah, WI

    payment at time of sale

  • Payment Terms

    payment at pick up

    Seller accepts Cash

  • Posted
    1 year ago
Member since August 29, 2015
Please only contact the seller if you are interested in buying or bartering for this item. Spam and fraud will not be tolerated.
Clean and Powerful AIWA 120 watt per speaker (s) 1 pair
12" high they fit almost anywhere.
Known for their Bass and good quality.
The AIWA SX NV70 120 watt per speaker (2) speakers
Really clean, smoke free home too.