Learn to Live Recovery - Family Support Group

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    2 weeks ago
Clayton, MO
Member since November 13, 2014
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The January Family Support Group will be hosted via zoom on January 18th @ 6pm central, and is FREE to attend. Our guest speaker this month is Trudy Avery.

As the very grateful mother of a son in long-term recovery, Trudy Avery has personally advocated on behalf of many families who have struggled with the disease of substance use disorder. Her advocacy has included testimony at the local, state and national levels in seeking legislation on access to treatment.

Trudy is the Development Officer for Pavillon, an in-patient substance use treatment program located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of western NC. She sits on the boards of the Massachusetts Organization of Addiction Recovery, the Aids Support Group of Cape Cod and the Let’s Give It Up Foundation. She is also a member of the National Institute of Health’s Healing Communities Study, Faces and Voices of Recovery, Bourne Substance Free Coalition, Plymouth Youth Development Collaborative, Plymouth County’s Drug Endangered Children’s Initiative and the Youth Health Connection of South Shore Hospital.

Trudy and her husband, Rick, are residents of Cape Cod, Massachusetts and are the parents of four adult sons.
We are so grateful to have Trudy share her story and insight on family recovery. You won't want to miss this one!

Follow us on Facebook for the link to the Zoom meeting. These Family Support Groups are FREE. @learntoliverecovery

#familysupport #addiction #recovery #FamilyRecovery #soberliving #addictionrecovery