Vevor trench drains (15 sections, each 3ft long and 3" deep)

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    Asking $125.00 CAD per item

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  • Posted
    3 months ago
Member since May 19, 2024
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These are surface drains that you install in a 3" deep trench. The 39" long sections click together to the desired total length and they have a grated cover that supports both pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
These were only briefly installed and are as new - we modified our drainage plan and ended up burying a large French drain, as we also wanted to carry away rainfall from our house roof gutter. Priced for sale as one lot (the total retail purchase of 3x 5 units from Amazon was $640, incl. taxes). The photos include one pic of some that were installed (note: not all of them were actually installed).