Business post
Listing id8bgl4q9d
Asking price
Asking $1.00 USD per item
1 item
TaxNot applicable
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Shipping to the United States only
Payment Terms
Seller accepts Cash
Posted2 months ago
Smyrna, GA
Member since September 15, 2023
Please only contact the seller if you are interested in buying or bartering for this item. Spam and fraud will not be tolerated.
🌟Business Opportunity🌟
Hi Everyone,
I'm Shalini, a full-time mom and successful Digital Business Owner.
I'm looking for ambitious and dedicated individuals to join me as independent business owners in my home-based online global business.
With this business, you can:
* Work from home, 2-3 hours a day
* No need for technical expertise
* Full-time or part-time work options
* No selling or shipping of products
* Access to excellent video-based training
* Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a legal and taxable income stream
‼️This opportunity is a business, not a job‼️
I'm offering a limited-time opportunity to join my team.
If you're interested, please contact me today.
I would be happy to answer any questions you have and help you get started.
This is a great opportunity for ambitious and dedicated individuals who are looking to be their own boss and work from home.
PS-This is not a MLM or SCAM , we have
People from all professionals (Dentist,IT
professionals, Engineers, Accountants,
Registered Nurses, Teachers, stay at home
moms) are doing this business with us as a Side
Hustle or Full Time.
Don't miss out on this chance to join my team and start your own successful online business!
If you're interested,please send me a
message for more information
Hi Everyone,
I'm Shalini, a full-time mom and successful Digital Business Owner.
I'm looking for ambitious and dedicated individuals to join me as independent business owners in my home-based online global business.
With this business, you can:
* Work from home, 2-3 hours a day
* No need for technical expertise
* Full-time or part-time work options
* No selling or shipping of products
* Access to excellent video-based training
* Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a legal and taxable income stream
‼️This opportunity is a business, not a job‼️
I'm offering a limited-time opportunity to join my team.
If you're interested, please contact me today.
I would be happy to answer any questions you have and help you get started.
This is a great opportunity for ambitious and dedicated individuals who are looking to be their own boss and work from home.
PS-This is not a MLM or SCAM , we have
People from all professionals (Dentist,IT
professionals, Engineers, Accountants,
Registered Nurses, Teachers, stay at home
moms) are doing this business with us as a Side
Hustle or Full Time.
Don't miss out on this chance to join my team and start your own successful online business!
If you're interested,please send me a
message for more information