You can literally taste the difference!

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    3 months ago
Snow Hill, NC
Member since May 24, 2024
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Not all water is the same! Tap water can contain high levels of chlorine and other contaminants and pesticides, and both tap and bottled water can often times be acidic. What's more, drinking the recommended amount of 8-10 glasses of water a day can leave you with a bloated feeling if you're drinking tap or some types of bottled water.

This is why Kangen Water® is changing the world! Kangen Water doesn't sit in your stomach waiting to be processed, but instead gets passed straight through by the body for immediate use. Kangen Water's properties enable it to permeate every nook and cranny of your body as it super-hydrates your cells. This is why it is so prized by high-performance atheletes! Ordinary water will sit in your stomach giving you that bloated feeling, you won't be able to drink too much of it! But with ionized Kangen Water, you can drink as much as you want and boy will you want to! You'll find out why so many people around the world crave Kangen Water! Due to it's unique properties, we do warn against taking medications with Kangen Water, as it will cause the medication to enter the body way faster than normal water. Now imagine taking your important vitamins and nutrients with Kangen Water!

Candy MIchelle Leber