A Warm Corner (1930) Victor Saville Stars: Leslie Henson, Heathe

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  • Posted
    3 months ago
Montreal, QC
Member since July 16, 2020
Please only contact the seller if you are interested in buying or bartering for this item. Spam and fraud will not be tolerated.
A Warm Corner (1930) Victor Saville Stars: Leslie Henson, Heather Thatcher

We are offering FOR SALE ONE (1) DVD-R. DVD-R is in public domain and is NOT a commercially released dvd or factory mass produced dvd.

The auction is for a single dvdr WITH COLOR INFO CARD [SEE PIC] INSIDE A DVD PLASTIC SLEEVE. NO ARTWORK ON THE disc and NO hardcover plastic case. This DVD-R is is NOT a commercially released or factory mass produced dvd. The auction is for a single dvdr WITH COLOR INFO CARD. This DVD-R DISC will be shipped in an envelop. This is a very rare, hard to find movie.

dvdr will be shipped in a soft plastic disc slip in an envelope. The picture quality is the best quality that was available to us. Thanks for your kind attention. / public domain title/ Due to the rarity of this public domain movie please kindly forgive the imperfection.

A Warm Corner (1930) 1930 1958 The film entered the public domain due to the rights holders failure to renew the copyright after 28 years.
· This is a Public domain title. All our dvdr titles are either in the public domain and/or covered under the “BERNE ACT”. All media contained on this item is distributed freely and globally under the terms of the GNU PUBLIC LICENCE and the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENCE (LGPL). No trademarks, copyright or rules have been violated in this listing. All information pertaining to United States copyright regulations can be found at the United States Copyright office a branch of the Library of Congress. No Trademarks or copyrights have been violated by this item. If a title is found to be currently under copyright, it will be immediately removed.
I like to draw your kind attention to these points:

1. The auction is for a very rare, hard to find public domain title on a single dvdr WITH NO ARTWORK, NO PICTURE and NO hardcover plastic case. This movie on dvdr is NOT a commercially released or factory mass produced dvd. This title is from our private collection. This is NOT a factory produced, factory packaged and sealed DVD.

2. You will receive a BRAND NAME DVD-R DISC with no print and no label. (dvdr will be shipped in a soft disc slip)

3. dvd-r will be shipped with NO ART WORK and without the hardcover.

The film entered the public domain due to the rights holders failure to renew the copyright after 28 years.