The Nick Wilson Golf Classic

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    3 weeks ago
Clayton, MO
Member since November 13, 2014
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Everyone knows someone who’s been impacted by addiction. 46 million people in America struggle with addiction, yet only 1 in 10 ever receive the help they need. Whether it’s you, a family member, or loved one, we all know someone who’s been affected.
No parent ever expects their child to leave this earth before them. It’s a wound that never heals.

Our founder, Shelly Vivirito, experienced this pain firsthand.

Her son, Nick, was amazing, funny, smart, kind, and for years struggled with depression and addiction.

After 10 months of sobriety, thanks in part to the team at Harris House and Learn to Live Recovery, he unfortunately passed away from a massive brain bleed in 2022.

Before leaving us, he became a mentor and friend to many on a similar journey of recovery and always aimed to continue giving back to others.

And while Nick is no longer with us, his foundation now serves as an opportunity for all of us to bridge the gap for men and women still struggling with addiction.

It’s our mission to carry on in his place and help bridge the gap between addiction and recovery.

If you love to golf & you want to support a great cause, sign up for our annual golf tournament today!

Learn to Live Recovery is a proud sponsor of this event.

#LearnToLiveRecovery #GolfClassic #Fundraiser #GiveBack #AddictionRecovery