Sausalito's First Speed Dating Party

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    Asking $30.00 USD per item

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    50 items

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    3 months ago
Member since June 7, 2011
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Our first-ever Speed Dating Party in popular Sausalito! Meet new single friends, five minutes at a time, at a spectacular venue along the gorgeous Sausalito Waterfront. Dress to impress. Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 7-9pm.

2 age groups: Young Unattached Professionals (YUPs) and 40+ Single Professionals!

DISCOUNT TICKETS: $30/early birds or $45/door, if space is available.
We request that everyone purchase at least one drink, so this lovely venue invites us back.

LOCATION: Ditas, 562 Bridgeway, Sausalito CA.

CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, SinglesBayArea, and dozens of other singles organizations and meetups! All of our parties are fundraisers for The Seva Foundation, to restore sight to the blind. Every $50 we raise at the party finances a cataract surgery for one blind person in one of the poor countries of the world! So please invite all of your single friends!

DISCOUNTS & MORE FUN EVENTS at the party hotline com.