super friendly Green Wing Macaws
Listing idcewa26qg
Asking price
Asking $650.00 USD per item
2 items
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Posted3 weeks ago
Jacksonville, FL
Member since June 11, 2022
(316) 710-1362
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Here I have my Gorgeous Green wing Macaws 1 year old babies, weaned eating independently. boys and girl super friendly cuddly hand fed and tamed. Excellent healthy and active Beautiful colourful feathers. Very good chunky size Perfect macaws as this is the prime Perfect age to teach & train at this young age, will make a great family pet. They speaks words and are quick learners. Will step up, gives kisses, head tickle & cuddles all day loves to play all day. Will Fly to you everyone on command. Eating fresh Fruits, vegetables quality seeds. No time wasters genuine enquiries.