Gas Station & C-Store for sale
Listing idcwknbnfp
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Posted1 week ago
Calgary, AB
Member since July 19, 2018
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Helping Sellers and Buyers of Small Businesses for over 40 years.
How can we help you?
Central Alberta
Gas Station and C-Store
Investment Level: 1,799,000
My clients are retiring and are now offering a great opportunity for a family searching for a business that blends small town living with an opportunity to make a nice living.
Interested buyers have a couple of different options with this opportunity.New owners can continue with the existing lease that is in place with the current tenant (who would like to renew the lease when it expires in 2024)
or they can take over the entire the business operations themselves once the lease expires in 2024.
Business at a glance
Property size: 1.93 acres
Building Size: 4,288 sq. ft. C-Store is approx. 2,500 sq. ft.
Roughly 1,800 sq. ft consists of 5 office spaces.
Gas Station & C-Store sit on a secondary highway with a vehicle count of
8,500 cars per day.
Gas Station is located in a town of over 5,000
Adjacent property available for a possible Restaurant or Small Strip Mall.
Business has been in operation for over 8 years.
Lease revenue is 175,000 per year.
Property Tax & Utilities are split with Tenant who is paying 80% of the costs.
Building has additional commercial office space rentals available.
Interested parties will be asked to complete a buyer’s profile prior to a Discovery Call being scheduled with the owner. Thank you for your consideration.
Helping Sellers and Buyers of Small Businesses for over 40 years.
How can we help you?
Central Alberta
Gas Station and C-Store
Investment Level: 1,799,000
My clients are retiring and are now offering a great opportunity for a family searching for a business that blends small town living with an opportunity to make a nice living.
Interested buyers have a couple of different options with this opportunity.New owners can continue with the existing lease that is in place with the current tenant (who would like to renew the lease when it expires in 2024)
or they can take over the entire the business operations themselves once the lease expires in 2024.
Business at a glance
Property size: 1.93 acres
Building Size: 4,288 sq. ft. C-Store is approx. 2,500 sq. ft.
Roughly 1,800 sq. ft consists of 5 office spaces.
Gas Station & C-Store sit on a secondary highway with a vehicle count of
8,500 cars per day.
Gas Station is located in a town of over 5,000
Adjacent property available for a possible Restaurant or Small Strip Mall.
Business has been in operation for over 8 years.
Lease revenue is 175,000 per year.
Property Tax & Utilities are split with Tenant who is paying 80% of the costs.
Building has additional commercial office space rentals available.
Interested parties will be asked to complete a buyer’s profile prior to a Discovery Call being scheduled with the owner. Thank you for your consideration.