Professional Computer Services

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    1 month ago
Member since February 8, 2008
(905) 965-0195
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SolidWorks / AutoCAD 2D & 3D Designs & Drafting on Part time Basis

I have a Master degree in Mechanical Engineering, I have my own SolidWorks & AutoCAD design station at my home office, I do high quality 2D & 3D drawings, besides some other parametric calculations that will enable you to easily modify or even update your graphic design only by changing some parameters on an excel sheet and all the drawings, parts, subassemblies and assemblies will automatically be updated.

- Concept design and product development
- Preliminary drawings
- 3D models and 2D drawings
- 3D rendering
- STL file conversion
- Assembly instructions
- BOM - Bill of Material
- Tutoring/Training and Support
- Consulting Services

A sketch, a PDF file, an Image file, existing CAD file is all I need to turn it into 3D model and 2D drawing.

Cell# : (905) 965-0195

The cost is very reasonable: 35$/hour

Speed & high quality job & finish are guaranteed