Minnesota ATV Plates
This item has expired or is disabled.
Listing idefwoncvb
Asking price
Asking $15.00 USD per item
Always in stock (New)
TaxSales tax of 6% may apply for buyers in Wisconsin
Shipping & Handling
Shipping to the United States only
Buyer pays shippping cost $2.50 USD
Payment Terms
Payment in advance only
Seller accepts Cash, PayPal
Posted5 years ago
Lone Rock, WI
Member since January 28, 2013
Please only contact the seller if you are interested in buying or bartering for this item. Spam and fraud will not be tolerated.
Welcome to Wisconsin and Minnesota ATV and UTV Plates
Offering Wisconsin and Minnesota style ATV/UTV Plates and custom plates with your own message. Why not make Yours FUN. Its now Wisconsin State Law ATV's and UTV's are required to have license plates on the rear of the ATV. Made from aluminum and no stickers Wisconsin ATV, UTV plates are made with your personality in mind. Choose from pre designed plates or make up your own message, its your plate make it FUN
wisconsinatvplates Website
Offering Wisconsin and Minnesota style ATV/UTV Plates and custom plates with your own message. Why not make Yours FUN. Its now Wisconsin State Law ATV's and UTV's are required to have license plates on the rear of the ATV. Made from aluminum and no stickers Wisconsin ATV, UTV plates are made with your personality in mind. Choose from pre designed plates or make up your own message, its your plate make it FUN
wisconsinatvplates Website