BOOK: Monica's dream with penguins.

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    4 months ago
Miami, FL
Member since February 29, 2024
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“This book is for sale on the amazon website. Please type the name of the book’s author into the site’s search bar. Author: Delfino Auto Filho”

BOOK: Monica is a little girl with a heart as vast as the ocean. Every night, she embarks on a magical journey in her dreams. She finds herself on a remote island, not inhabited by people, but by adorable, waddling penguins.

Monica, with her tender age, takes on the role of a caretaker for these charming creatures. She feeds them, plays with them, and even tells them stories under the shimmering moonlight. Her laughter echoes against the backdrop of the serene island, blending with the harmonious chorus of the penguins’ squawks.

Her dreams are filled with the joyous sight of penguins sliding on their bellies, their black and white figures contrasting against the pristine snow. Monica watches them with sparkling eyes, her heart brimming with love and care for her feathery friends.

Despite the chill of the island, Monica feels warm. The penguins, in their own unique way, have accepted her as one of their own. As she wakes up each morning, she carries the beautiful memories of her dreams, eagerly waiting for the night to fall, to return to her beloved island of penguins.

This is Monica, the little girl who dreams of penguins on an island, a testament to the boundless imagination of a child’s mind.

“This book is for sale on the amazon website. Please type the name of the book’s author into the site’s search bar. Author: Delfino Auto Filho”