Princess up!! Jewelry and clothing to make you stunning!!

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  • Asking price

    Asking $12.00 USD per item

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    Always in stock (New)

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    Not applicable
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    Shipping to the United States only

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    Payment in advance only

    Seller accepts Visa / Master Card

  • Posted
    8 months ago
Member since August 25, 2020
Please only contact the seller if you are interested in buying or bartering for this item. Spam and fraud will not be tolerated.
When you see this, it will more than make you SO GLAD YOU CLICKED on our ad to get you here. It is that good! Glamour and style or even sporty and sexy, that choice is yours. But always tasteful and affordable. Perfect as a gift for others or even yourself. Get all the accessories you need to make that outfit perfect! You only feel the best when you look the best.