Upscale Party at Beautiful Winery for Single Professionals
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Posted11 months ago
San Rafael, CA
Member since June 7, 2011
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Come and meet Upscale Singles at beautiful Regale Winery, featuring manicured gardens and a beautiful view of the coastal mountains! This is a lovely Estate and Vineyard. Enjoy both outdoors and indoors. Prepare yourself for a wonderful and romantic evening. Adults of all ages are welcome! Saturday, March 30, 2024, 5-9pm.
DRESS TO IMPRESS: The theme of the party is Beautiful Spring Colors!
Suggested attire: Please dress in one solid color - White, Yellow, Light Blue or Cherry Red.
DISCOUNT TICKETS at the party hotline dot com:
$30 Early-bird
$35 Last Week
$40 At the Door
* Appetizers (Until gone)
* Beautiful Outdoor Garden with Spring Fashion Contest & Prizes (5:00pm to 6:00pm)
* Social and Group Photos for Same Colors (6:00pm to 7:00pm)
* Dance Class and Group Dancing in Barrel room (7:00pm to 8:30pm)
* Free Parking
Wood Fired Pizza available at additional cost. Delicious wines available at special discount price just for our singles!
LOCATION: Regale Winery & Vineyards, 24040 Summit Road, Los Gatos CA. Beautiful event spaces, bucolic scenery, and best backdrops for photos. It’s a perfect place for a romantic, memorable singles event! NOTE: Although there is plenty of parking for a typical event, due to the unique nature of singles parties where 100 people may arrive in 100 cars, parking may be limited. Carpooling is encouraged.
CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; Bay Area Singles Events & Travel, and by many other singles organizations and meetups. All events benefit The Seva Foundation, to restore sight to the blind.
MORE FUN EVENTS at the party hotline dot com.
DRESS TO IMPRESS: The theme of the party is Beautiful Spring Colors!
Suggested attire: Please dress in one solid color - White, Yellow, Light Blue or Cherry Red.
DISCOUNT TICKETS at the party hotline dot com:
$30 Early-bird
$35 Last Week
$40 At the Door
* Appetizers (Until gone)
* Beautiful Outdoor Garden with Spring Fashion Contest & Prizes (5:00pm to 6:00pm)
* Social and Group Photos for Same Colors (6:00pm to 7:00pm)
* Dance Class and Group Dancing in Barrel room (7:00pm to 8:30pm)
* Free Parking
Wood Fired Pizza available at additional cost. Delicious wines available at special discount price just for our singles!
LOCATION: Regale Winery & Vineyards, 24040 Summit Road, Los Gatos CA. Beautiful event spaces, bucolic scenery, and best backdrops for photos. It’s a perfect place for a romantic, memorable singles event! NOTE: Although there is plenty of parking for a typical event, due to the unique nature of singles parties where 100 people may arrive in 100 cars, parking may be limited. Carpooling is encouraged.
CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the world’s largest non-profit singles organization; Bay Area Singles Events & Travel, and by many other singles organizations and meetups. All events benefit The Seva Foundation, to restore sight to the blind.
MORE FUN EVENTS at the party hotline dot com.