Learn to Live Recovery FREE, WEEKLY Family Support Group

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    2 months ago
Clayton, MO
Member since November 13, 2014
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We are excited to announce that beginning March 15th Learn to Live and John Palmer Recovery services will partner to create a FREE family support group!! The weekly Zoom meeting will include education, coaching and discussion groups for families navigating a loved one's addiction/recovery.

This group will be held weekly on Wednesday evenings (6pm CST/ 7pm EST).

John Palmer is the former Director of Family services at Turnbridge and now owns and operates a coaching program. We are so excited to help provide a new way for families to learn, grow, and be supported!

John has a degree in social work & 14 years in recovery. He is a certified Recovery Coach & Recovery Coach Trainer. He began his career working with a small group of individuals to build a long-term residential program for young adults and held various positions during his time there. John specializes in family work and is a wealth of knowledge regarding recovery.

Be on the lookout for more information on our Facebook Page @learntoliverecovery

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