WOW!!! Great Blue ad Gold Macaws Parrots Now ready
Listing idhw0k9ak8
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Asking $550.00 USD per item
2 items
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Posted5 days ago
Ashburn, VA
Member since March 6, 2025
(310) 876-2183
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WOW!!! Great Blue ad Gold Macaws Parrots Now ready.This babbies are very good boys and girls.They steps up on command, can whistle parts of the Andy Griffith theme, is beginning to try to vocalize words/sounds, if you say "pretty girl" They will whistle, and are not a noisy birds. For their young age They are very intelligent.They also enjoys their toys, loves to sit on her perch and "take in" daily, household activities.
Macaws typically begin speaking clearly around 1-2 years old.
Macaws typically begin speaking clearly around 1-2 years old.