Listing idhyshau3r
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Posted1 month ago
Oshawa, ON
Member since January 29, 2025
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Are you a stay home mom or you have a full time job,you want to spend more time with family & kids and you want to be a role model to your kids ,you can work from home or anywhere in the world through join this business,you dont need a boss you are your own boss ,just need a smart phone /computer and internet.
I thought that it would be helpful to end with a list of 10 reasons why working for yourself from home is so amazing:
1. Better Work-Life-Balance!
It's your company - you're the boss. You own your schedule. Do you take Tuesday afternoons off to go watch a game or go to the spa every week? Nobody's business but your own!
2. No More Commute Stress!
Being stuck in traffic trying to get to a job that you don't even love causes stress & anxiety, and leads to issues like higher cholesterol, elevated blood sugar and risk of depression.
3. Location Independence!
Work from your kitchen table! The sofa! The beach! The whole notion of retirement is being re-evaluated. Instead of working your tail off to hopefully retire and enjoy a few years before you die - how about instead running a business that allows you to create a life that you don't need a vacation from?!
4. Be More Present For Your Family!
Now the job isn't pulling you away every day. Now you're not out of the house for half of the day. You can finally be present and available to the most important people in your life!
5. Improved Inclusivity!
Being part of a global community gives you access to the world! You'll engage with people and cultures that you might never have had the opportunity to engage with otherwise.
6. Money Savings!
People who work from home half time can save about $5,000 per year. Gas, car maintenance, transportation, parking fees, a professional wardrobe, lunches bought out, and more can all be reduced or eliminated from your spending entirely. Not to mention unpaid sick days due to getting sick on the job!
7. Positive Environmental Impact!
Global greenhouse gas emissions plunged 5% during the lockdowns of the pandemic in 2020. People working from home instead of driving to the office makes a huge difference!
8. Customizable Office Space!
Create a comfortable space that you WANT to be productive in and that you want to go to! You'll be amazed at the results you get.
9. Increased Productivity & Performance!
No more office politics. Quieter noise level. Fewer interuptions! Combine these with the fact that you are the sole benefactor of your newly boosted productivity - and BOOM! You'll be a business owner for life!
10. Happier, Healthier Work Life!!!
Do you like making your boss richer? Do you like listening to your coworkers complain? Do you like battling traffic to get to that boring job?! Of course not!
For more details you can email me .
I thought that it would be helpful to end with a list of 10 reasons why working for yourself from home is so amazing:
1. Better Work-Life-Balance!
It's your company - you're the boss. You own your schedule. Do you take Tuesday afternoons off to go watch a game or go to the spa every week? Nobody's business but your own!
2. No More Commute Stress!
Being stuck in traffic trying to get to a job that you don't even love causes stress & anxiety, and leads to issues like higher cholesterol, elevated blood sugar and risk of depression.
3. Location Independence!
Work from your kitchen table! The sofa! The beach! The whole notion of retirement is being re-evaluated. Instead of working your tail off to hopefully retire and enjoy a few years before you die - how about instead running a business that allows you to create a life that you don't need a vacation from?!
4. Be More Present For Your Family!
Now the job isn't pulling you away every day. Now you're not out of the house for half of the day. You can finally be present and available to the most important people in your life!
5. Improved Inclusivity!
Being part of a global community gives you access to the world! You'll engage with people and cultures that you might never have had the opportunity to engage with otherwise.
6. Money Savings!
People who work from home half time can save about $5,000 per year. Gas, car maintenance, transportation, parking fees, a professional wardrobe, lunches bought out, and more can all be reduced or eliminated from your spending entirely. Not to mention unpaid sick days due to getting sick on the job!
7. Positive Environmental Impact!
Global greenhouse gas emissions plunged 5% during the lockdowns of the pandemic in 2020. People working from home instead of driving to the office makes a huge difference!
8. Customizable Office Space!
Create a comfortable space that you WANT to be productive in and that you want to go to! You'll be amazed at the results you get.
9. Increased Productivity & Performance!
No more office politics. Quieter noise level. Fewer interuptions! Combine these with the fact that you are the sole benefactor of your newly boosted productivity - and BOOM! You'll be a business owner for life!
10. Happier, Healthier Work Life!!!
Do you like making your boss richer? Do you like listening to your coworkers complain? Do you like battling traffic to get to that boring job?! Of course not!
For more details you can email me .