Equine College Partnership required

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    2 days ago
Member since July 19, 2018
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The Affordable Business Partner. Providing affordable, confidential Business for sale By Owner & Business Brokerage commercial real estate marketing & introduction services throughout Alberta & Saskatchewan.
Businesses...Franchises...Commercial Buildings...Commercial Properties...
Connecting sellers with qualified buyers.

By working closely with local and provincial governments over the last 6 years
our client now has in place a certified approved government college
curriculum that will provide students with a solid foundation, understanding
and an opportunity to explore courses such as Professional Horse Trainer
Reining, Cutting, Dressage, Hunter/Jumper, Western Pleasure, Driving, Western
Dressage and Stockmen’s all which has been certified by the Government.

This opportunity offers investors with a variety of future long term revenue

Our client who has invested 2,400,000 is searching for an additional 5,000,000
in funds for the purchase of land, infrastructure, and other start-up costs.

If you have a love of horses, helping others achieve their dreams and the
financial ability to entertain this opportunity we would like to introduce you to
our client.

Investment level: 5,000,000

More detailed information and an initial phone call with the principle will be
available for interested parties once a buyer’s profile and NDA has been
completed. Thank you for your consideration. We appreciate your time.

Visit The Affordable Business Partner.com