The Savings Program Where You Can Save And Earn Thousands

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    Asking $9.99 USD per item

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    Not applicable (New)

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    Not applicable
  • Shipping & Handling

    Not applicable

  • Payment Terms

    Seller accepts Discover, American Express, PayPal, Visa / Master Card, Shop Pay

  • Posted
    1 week ago
Member since February 9, 2021
(800) 892-9879
Welcome To Nexus Rewards
The Ultimate Cash Back, Savings and referral program.
Nexus Rewards enables you to easily make money on purchases you are already making:
• Gasoline - Save up to 25¢ per gallon and more every time you get gas.
• Refer Others - Get 15¢ a Gallon per Referral Plus: 1¢ a Gallon for every Gallon they Buy - Forever!
• Start making money on purchases you are already making such as: groceries, dining, travel, including online and offline shopping and so much more!
• Apps & services can make you $1000's yearly!
• Save up to 90% off prescriptions
• Enjoy The Absolute Best Pricing For All Your Travel Needs!