Quad Cities Handyman, IA-IL Handyman Service

Member since April 16, 2006
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Quad Cities Handyman

Quad City area handyman available for work. Private homes, apartments, residential, businesses, commercial facilities maintenance, etc.

House painting, refinishing, yard work, gardening, light hauling, light electrical, light plumbing, tree trimming, finish carpentry, drywall, plastering, wallpaper removal, wallpaper stripping, furniture moving, hanging pictures, hanging drapes and blinds, vertical blind installation, repairing faucets and toilets, installing weather stripping, installing shelving, window washing, computer help, deck cleaning and staining, and much, much, more!...

Price depends on the services that are provided. Decades of experience.

Please call Craig Clough at: (309) 786-8617. Located in Rock Island, IL.

Help for the elderly. Friendly, neat and dependable. References available.

Handyman in Davenport IA, Rock Island IL Handyman, Handyman in Moline IL, East Moline IL Handyman, Silvis IL, Handyman in Milan IL, Muscatine IA Handyman, Handyman for Clinton IA, Eldridge IA Handyman Service, DeWitt IA Handyman, LeClaire IA Handyman, Handyman for Blue Grass IA, Donahue IA Handyman, Geneseo IL Handyman, etc.

Do-it-yourself in the Quad Cities, DIY, Less Expensive, Quad City Household Chores Help, Household Maintenance Help in the Quad Cities, Quad Cities Lowest Gas Prices, Quad Cities Apartment Renovation, Apartment Rehab in the Quad City Area, Elderly Help in the Quad Cities, Quad Cities Carpenter, Quad City Carpentry