Learn to Live Recovery - Best Addiction Recovery Housing for Men

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    3 months ago
Clayton, MO
Member since November 13, 2014
(573) 409-0123
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Learn to Live Recovery's Founder has been sober for 11 years so he has first hand experience in the process and struggles.

Here are a few tips he likes to share...

There are 3 aspects to our lives:

1. Spiritual
2. Occupational
3. Personal

Unless we work hard at all aspects, life will constantly be a game of whack-a-mole while we wonder why we don’t feel complete.

As people in recovery we want to full sprint in one direction and take all our time and energy towards that one thing whether it’s work, a relationship or a hobby. When we do this something else gets missed and neglected.

The goal is balance, to work on ourselves in such a way that gives us a leg up in all aspects of our lives.

Focus on doing something for yourself spiritually, occupationally and personally every day and you will find the difference inside you.

Along with the above mentioned aspects of your life to focus on, community living is also an important skill in life. You learn to be mindful of the effect you have on others, what you can do to contribute to the community and learn from the other members of your community.

In recovery isolation is not an option, we have to rely on community to get better and at LTL that’s what we do.

You can follow us @learntoliverecovery

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