Sheer Drapes
Listing idnmmfzdwm
Asking price
Asking $75.00 CAD per item
Not applicable (Used)
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Seller accepts Cash
Posted1 month ago
Winnipeg, MB
Member since November 25, 2009
(204) 269-4988
Please only contact the seller if you are interested in buying or bartering for this item. Spam and fraud will not be tolerated.
I have 2 sets of sheer drapes for sale -one in beige and one in ecru. They were custom pleated three times the fullness and are in excellent condition. Each set costs $75.00,They are clean and come with hooks ready to hang.
- 110x81 inches long in ecru and
- 86x80.5 inches long in beige.
Call 204-269-4988. They look good over patio doors too.
- 110x81 inches long in ecru and
- 86x80.5 inches long in beige.
Call 204-269-4988. They look good over patio doors too.