munchkin kittens for sale

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  • Asking price

    Asking $1,000.00 USD per item

  • Quantity

    6 items (New)

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    Seller accepts Cash, PayPal, Wire / Bank transfer, Visa / Master Card

  • Posted
    3 years ago
Tulsa, OK
Member since March 19, 2021
Please only contact the seller if you are interested in buying or bartering for this item. Spam and fraud will not be tolerated.
My Munchkin Kittens for sale are raised in my home, right here with me and my family. We breed explicitly for mien and prosperity and grandness. We offer various tints including silvers munchkin kittens, grey munchkin kittens, solid munchkin kittens, calico munchkin kittens, White munchkin kittens for sale, to be purchased shades, and pointed For Reception. Most by far of my Munchkin kittens for sale are Standard short leg. We are Registered Munchkin breeder. We also breed fold ears Munchkin kittens and all are ready to leave us now . We are an enrolled cattery. for more details please search us on google by typing TOMKINGS MUNCHKIN CATTERY