Sterling Silver Pendant Blue Lazurite Stone

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  • Posted
    2 weeks ago
Member since December 17, 2013
(256) 659-4319
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This gorgeous new .925 Sterling Silver Blue Lazurite Stone Pendant will be a wonderful addition to your collection for a fraction cost. Stone’s name: Lapis Lazuli, Lazurite. Color: Lapis Lazuli occurs in various shades of blue with some qualities being speckled with white calcite and some with yellow pyrite. The finest Lapis Lazuli is even blue color with little or no veining from other elements. Description: Lapis lazuli is a semiprecious stone valued for its deep blue color. The source of the pigment ultramarine, Lapis lazuli is not a mineral but a rock colored by lazurite. In addition to the sodalite minerals in lapis lazuli, small amounts of white calcite and of pyrite crystals are usually present. Because lapis is a rock of varying composition, its physical properties are variable.