Learn to Live Recovery is the BEST Recovery Housing in St. Louis

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    3 months ago
Clayton, MO
Member since November 13, 2014
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At Learn to Live Recovery we want to provide you with the best tools and programming to assist you in your recovery process!

We have created a structured and supportive program that is explained in more detail on our website or you can find us on Facebook and LinkedIn as well. The program is built to not just help our residents recover, but to thrive in their new environment after they leave our facility!

Each day you will have a schedule, but you will also be able to choose some of your own activities. We believe that our residents should rebuild their lives at their own pace, no two are alike!

Each program is tailored to the individual, no exceptions! If you've made the decision to join us, you have taken a big first step by being a part of this program and we cannot wait to see what greatness awaits you during and after your time here!

–LEARN to LIVE Staff

From paintball, to bowling, hiking, and fishing. The guys at LTL have been busy learning to live a fantastic life filled with fun and fellowship. We recover together!

Have a loved one who could use our help? Check us out @learntoliverecovery

#best #recoveryhousing #st.louis #soberliving #addiction #recovery