13 Years Sober: Let Me Guide You to Sobriety Too!

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    3 weeks ago
Clayton, MO
Member since November 13, 2014
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13 years ago I made the choice to change my life for the better. January 3, 2011 was my sober anniversary. In recovery I have learned a new way of thinking, a new way of being, and a new way of doing. I was incapable of living life on life’s terms before.

Today the promises have come true for me. Recovery has given me the ability to do things I never thought possible. Life is not perfect and when it goes sideways I don’t have to go with it anymore.

My life is filled with so many blessings and I am filled with gratitude before getting sober. I now get to help people get sober for a living which was always my dream. Service is my life’s mission.

I share this every year to show that it’s possible and also to give hope to those sick and suffering (and their families). WE DO RECOVER!

Follow us on Facebook to learn more @learntoliverecovery

#sobriety #lifecoaching #behavioralhealth #soberhousing #mindset #lifestyle #substanceabuse #recovery