FREE Family Support Gorup

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    2 months ago
Clayton, MO
Member since November 13, 2014
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Reminder that our family support group meets via zoom on Wednesday nights at 6pm central. It's FREE to attend and open to the public. If you are wanting to learn more about family recovery, know someone in active addiction or recovery, or desire to learn more about both addiction and personal healing, check us out! If you have questions about the group, please contact us at (573) 409-0123.

Mark your calendars, our next guest speaker will be on January 15!

"Yet at first reaching out for help may actually seem more dangerous than continuing to struggle alone. Before coming to Al Anon the sure way to survive wants to handle everything by ourselves to keep quiet about our problems and to trust no one so that no one could disappoint us. Without the support of people who understood the disease of alcoholism we learned to tough it out alone. We became experts at keeping secrets and creating the appearance of normalcy in the midst of crisis. We avoided people because it was easier to be alone than to pretend all the time. We hid our shame our fear our rage." -How Al Anon Works

If you have felt like this there's hope in community. Our Family Support Group meets virtually on Wednesday nights @ 6pm Central and is FREE to those who love someone battling with substance use.

If you have a family member struggling with addiction please follow us on Facebook @LearnToLiveRecovery for the Zoom links to our weekly family support meetings.

#LearnToLiveRecovery #FamilySupportGroup #familyrecovery #addictionrecovery #familyhealing #soberliving #addictionresources #bestsoberhousing #freeonlinefamilysupportgroup #behaviorialhealth #lifestyle #lofecoach #virtualsupportgroup #free