Fix relationship problems +27656012591 wiccan colorado
Listing id5ir0quop
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Asking $100.00 USD per item
1 item (New)
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Posted3 months ago
St. John's, NL
Member since January 24, 2022
(065) 601-2591
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"Thank you! I’m so amazed right now! The fact that when he was so set on seeing me last night. He wouldn’t take no as an answer. He then told me he hasn’t been able to get me off his mind for a few days now and he woke up with a huge urge to text me and had the urge to see me. I knew it was the binding love spell because he’s very prideful. I am at awe! Like I can’t believe it. Last time we spoke he was upset and done with me and now he’s all looking for me and wanting me to talk to me. Thank you Lilly! Keep working your spell and I’ll be patient.
Thank you again!"
contact +27656012591
Thank you again!"
contact +27656012591