Cerasee Jamaican Tea Bags 24 /Cerasee bolsitas de tea de Jamaica

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    3 weeks ago
Barb, OH
Member since January 4, 2022
(234) 334-1670
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What does drinking Cerasee tea do for the body?
Image result for Properties Cerasee Jamaican Tea Bags 24 /Cerasee bolsitas de té de Jamaica 24
In the Caribbean, the tea is used to treat a number of ailments, ranging from high blood pressure to constipation ( 5 ). The tea is also purported to have detoxifying and purifying properties, which is why some people use it in an effort to rid their bodies of toxins. May 4, 2021,In some countries cerasee is cultivated as a vegetable and cooked as a leafy vegetable. A tea of the root of Cerasee can be used to expel kidney stones. ,Overall, cerasee is a very useful herb; however, with the speculation of possible liver damage with long and continuous use, I would suggest that the cerasee tea be taken for a nine-day period and then given a break. Apr 10, 2016